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  • Girls Slay encrypts all your sensitive information like credit card numbers, usernames and passwords and protects it from hackers and identity thieves with the use of an SSL certificate on this website.
  • Within our organization, your personal data is accessible to only a limited number of employees with special access privileges.
  • Although we may, from time to time, compile general demographic information based on your order, this information is shared within our organization only and has no identifiable personal data associated with it.
  • Girls Slay does not rent, sell, barter, or give away your information to anyone.
  • To some extent, information has to be passed on to the courier companies, credit card processing companies, vendors, etc. to enable them to perform their functions related to your order fulfillment.
  • Apart from business requirements, information may also be needed to be shared with federal authorities, for fraud detection, and for the safety of our site, employees, management, users, members and other affiliates associated with us.

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